Membership Subscriptions - November 2016
posted by admin
Members may pay their 2016-17 Subscription fee of £30 or £10 Honorary on the following dates...
Thursday 24th November 16 - between 7:30 and 9:00pm
Saturday 26th November 16 - between 13.30 and 3:00pm
Tuesday 29th November 16 - between 7:30 and 9:00pm
Please Note the following:
Members must not leave membership cards with the bar staff - they have been instructed not to accept any cards and or cash for subscription payments.
You may pay on the above dates for as many memberships as you like provided of course that you have the cash/cheques and the door card for each member that you are paying for and the door card has a photo image of the relevant member.
Any member who has failed to pay by Tuesday 29th November will be levied a late payment fee of £15, regardless of whether a full or an honorary member.
Replacement cards will be £7.50 and the annual hire of a Snooker Cabinet will be £5.
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